Back - Patio

This is the type of pergola we were thinking of to go over our patio to give us shade. It is made out of vinyl.

This is one my cousin built.

This was my thought in covering the pergola with grapevines.

We mentioned trying to do something to block the patio area from the sun. This is a thought ... building something like this on the west side and having the grapes grow up it. My worry is that it may feel enclosed or blocked. Or we could also do a tree.

We are trying to decide if we want to build a deck over the existing cement or replace the cement. We have had water trouble in our basement and are highly considering laying a new patio down (and fixing the water problem while we are at it). If we go with laying a new patio what shape would you suggest? If we do the back fence squiggly then would we want to keep the patio square? Or vice versa.